How to change an electric bike tire?

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Comment changer un pneu de vélo électrique ?

A flat tire on your bike is always lurking, whether you have a classic bike or an electric bike, it can happen!

On average, the lifespan of an electric bicycle tire can range from a few hundred kilometers to 5,000 kilometers, depending on the type of tire, the quality of the road and the use of the bicycle.

Knowing how to remove the wheel of an e-bike is useful, not only in case of a puncture, but also if you need to put your bike in a car trunk for example. Changing a tire on an e-bike can sometimes be annoying especially if the motor of your bike is located on the rear wheel.

However, there is no need to panic, it is always possible to repair a puncture on an electric bike so that you can continue pedaling.

How to change an electric bike tire? This is what we will see in this article knowing that the first characteristic of an electric bike tire remains the thickness of the rubber which is greater than that of a traditional classic bike tire.

Tools Needed to Change an Electric Bike Tire

For your electric bike, how to change an electric bike tire?, you will need the right tools, generally you need:

  • Different keys: Allen key, adjustable wrench, Torx key, socket wrench and open-end wrench.
  • Phillips and flathead screwdriver.
  • A mallet.

For regular maintenance of your electric bike, you need:

  • The Allen key set: very useful for unscrewing the derailleur clamp, the brake caliper.
  • The Torx key set: for easy access to disks and platters
  • The sheath and the clamp: for the flexibility necessary for sheaths and cables.
  • The workshop stand: useful for repairing at height without hurting your back, access to the various parts of the bike is also much easier.
  • The bike stand: this stand provides the necessary balance to the bike during regular maintenance, allowing repairs to be carried out with ease.

For specific repair of bicycle wheels:

It is important to regularly check the wheels of your electric bike, regular maintenance is recommended. They are very stressed whether by the weight of the bike and that of the cyclist and also according to the state of the road. For this regular maintenance of the wheels of your bike, you need:

  • The cone wrench: to remove the hubs and adjust the wheel clearance
  • The spoke wrench: replacing a spoke.
  • The key for nuts: for front and rear wheel hubs.
  • The chain whip: blocking the sprockets when removing the freewheel
  • The valve core and valve remover: to install a valve extender useful for deflating the wheel or for adding a puncture repair tool.

The anti-puncture kit or universal kit generally contains:

  • Patches of different sizes: inner tube repair.
  • A rasp or scraper: to remove dirt and locate the puncture.
  • A dissolution: to make the hole to be filled more visible.
  • A frame pump: for inflating tires
  • Multi-grip pliers: to facilitate the gripping and removal of various tire accessories: nuts, bolts, wheel axles.
  • A tire lever: to remove the tire.

For a versatile and interesting toolbox:

  • A series of Allen keys: with several prototypes, from 1.5 mm to 8 mm.
  • Screwdrivers: flat and cross-head.
  • Flat keys: from 4 to 10.
  • A multi-tool: it offers an assembly of tools for the electric bike. It consists of screwdrivers, a cutting blade and Allen keys. Sometimes, other instruments are added to this set.
  • A Torx key: maintenance of the electric bike and brake discs especially.
  • A bicycle pump: useful for inflating the wheels of the electric bike, a compact sized pump is the perfect choice for rides lasting several hours.

Steps to remove and change a front or rear tire

Disassembling the front wheel:

Disassembling the front wheel of an electric bike:

  • Prepare the bike for maintenance operations, to do this:
    Turn off the bike, remove the battery then press and hold “MODE” or, depending on the model, the ON/OFF button to discharge the residual power.
  • Locate and loosen the quick release skewer. This is the skewer that holds the front wheel in place.
    Open the lever so that it is parallel to the ground. Hold the lever and then turn the wing nut on the other side of the wheel, usually 2 or 3 turns are enough to loosen and be able to remove the wheel from the fork legs.

Removing the rear wheel:

To change the rear wheel of an electric bike , repair a puncture in the rear wheel of an electric bike:

  • As with the front wheel, to remove the rear wheel of an electric bike, prepare the bike for this operation to make it easier, for this:
  • Carefully disconnect the cable. If necessary, use wire cutters to remove the cable ties that hold the cable in place.
  • Start loosening the wheel axle, using a socket wrench.
  • Unscrew the axle nuts.
  • Carefully remove the rear wheel.

Changing a tire or inner tube

To change a tire or inner tube , you will need a tire lever, a piston pusher, a new inner tube, a pump, a pressure gauge, and CO2.

Start by completely deflating the inner tube. Then slide the tire out of the rim grooves. Unscrew the valve cap and remove the inner tube.

Then, to check if your bike's inner tube is punctured, you need to inflate it and soak it in a basin filled with water. When there is a hole, this causes small bubbles to rise, so you can locate it.

Then simply dry the holed part and repair it using suitable patches. You can also choose to change the inner tube.

Removing the tire: Completely deflate the tire.

Push the 2 tire beads towards the center of the rim, give some play this makes removal easier. With one or more tire levers, remove the tire, to do this lever between the rim and the tire.

Never use a metal object to perform this operation, you risk damaging the tire and the rim. Some tire levers have a small hook to be attached to a spoke of the rim, this makes disassembly easier: you attach one tire lever then you go around the rim gradually with the second one.

Feel the inside of the tire to make sure there are no foreign objects stuck in the tire, if you change your inner tube it could puncture it during assembly. Also check the condition of the bead.

Installing a new tire or tube:

To change the inner tube of an electric bike wheel, and to make reassembly easier, in order to avoid pinching the inner tube, slightly inflate the new tube with just a few pump strokes.

This method avoids pinching the chamber when reassembling.

Reassemble the wheel and check operation

  • Carefully check the direction of rotation of the tire, reassemble the wheel on the bike and check operation.
  • Reconnecting electrical cables and checking connections
  • Checking alignment and tightening

Tips for maintaining and avoiding punctures

  • Maintain proper tire pressure
  • Check the condition of the tires regularly to detect wear or embedded objects.
  • Use anti-puncture tires or preventative fluid


Depending on the positioning of the motor on an electric bike, removing the wheel requires a little patience and attention. But by following the steps in order, according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of your bike, you will have no difficulty in doing this operation.

For an electric bike, just like for other bikes in general, it is important to have all the tools necessary for this operation, as well as having the support for your bike, which allows you to carry out its maintenance regularly and easily.

Electrically assisted bicycles, mountain bikes, compact cargo bikes , longtails, two-wheelers or three-wheelers, it is always important to ensure that your bikes are properly monitored.

Regular maintenance of your bike ensures its longevity and also guarantees your safety, so it is important to carry out this maintenance regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to remove a tire from an electric bike?

Start by loosening the bolts on each side of the wheel axle. Then remove the valve cap, which is the part where you can inflate your wheel. All you have to do is press the small nub in the middle of the valve to deflate the tire.

How to fix a flat tire on an electric bike?

Once you have located the puncture, use sandpaper to sand all around it. Then apply a thin film of contact adhesive and wait about 5 minutes for the adhesive to dry. After that, remove the protective film from the patch and apply it to the puncture.

How to mount a tire without pinching the inner tube?

Lightly inflate the tube just enough to give it its shape. Use the right side of the tire levers to know exactly where the tip is in relation to the rim. Do not exceed the vertical when tilting the tire levers to push the tire in.

What pressure in the tires of an electric bike?

If you drive in the city, the minimum recommended pressure is 4.5 bar (60psi). For leisure, if you drive on paths, the pressure is then 2.7 bar (40psi) minimum. Remember to adjust the pressure of your tires according to your use, it only takes a few minutes and it guarantees your safety and prevents damage to your tires.

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