General conditions for warranty extensions, theft insurance and casco insurance

General provisions

Contractual partners: The risk bearer for this insurance is: Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd., Dufourstrasse 40, 9001 St. Gallen. Responsible for this insurance: Européenne Assurances Voyages (referred to as ERV in the GTC), branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd., with registered office at St. Alban-Anlage 56, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel.
Insured risks and their scope: The events whose occurrence gives rise to ERV's obligation to provide services arise from the insurance policy and the General Insurance Conditions (GIC).
Policyholder and insured person: The policyholder is the bicycle dealer who has concluded an insurance contract with ERV. The insurance is valid if the dealer has its registered office in Switzerland or Liechtenstein. The insured person is the legal owner of the insured bicycle. This must be a natural person. The insurance also covers persons living with him in the same household and who are legally entitled to use the bicycle.
Insured vehicle and accessories: The insurance covers the bicycle purchased new (used bicycles are excluded) and registered with ERV with the identification number of the frame or bicycle, including accessories purchased at the same time and permanently mounted and the display. The insurance covers personal, private and professional use (e.g. to commute to work). However, commercial use (e.g. bike sharing, delivery services) is excluded from coverage.
Validity/deadline: The insurance is valid if it is concluded no later than 90 days after the purchase of the new bicycle.
Start and end of insurance coverage: The contract takes effect on the date indicated in the policy and ends after 4 years.
Territorial scope of coverage, period of validity: The insurance coverage covers damage directly related to the driving and possession of the insured bicycle. Unless otherwise stated, the insurance coverage is valid worldwide for the insurance period stipulated in the insurance policy.
Deductible: Unless expressly stated, a general deductible of CHF 200 is charged in the event of a claim.
General exclusions: No insurance benefits will be paid: for events that have already occurred when the insurance is taken out; in the event of a breach of basic duties of care, intentional acts or gross negligence (e.g. improper securing of the bicycle, lack of maintenance, overloading, driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication, violation of the highway code, improper cleaning); in the event of participation in competitions, training in professional sports and races of all kinds; if the event is attributable to an incorrect repair, a repair carried out by the insured person himself or an unauthorized modification (e.g. tuning); in the event of minor deviations from the guaranteed condition, which do not prevent the bicycle from being used, as well as for scratches and damage to the paintwork; for transport services on terrain that is difficult to access or not accessible to the public (e.g. narrow and isolated forest and mountain paths, roads not accessible to the public); in the event of breakdowns due to discharged batteries; for damage caused to the bicycle during transport by public transport; for any form of liability damage or for damage for which claims exist against third parties; in the event of damage due to vandalism.

Overview of insurance benefits

Unless otherwise stated, benefits are limited to the scope of benefits and the maximum insured sum of the insurance policy concluded or the purchase price. Unless otherwise stated, the maximum insured sums apply per event.

Styled Table
Service element Bike insurance Territorial extent of coverage
Casco Accident and fall Included World
Flight 5000 World
Improper use or handling Included World
Franchise 200 -
Complementary casco Battery damage Included World
Warranty extension Included World
Franchise 200 -
Assistance Transport of the bicycle to the place of residence or to the specialist Swiss workshop of the dealer 300 Swiss
Return costs to the place of residence or to the nearest hospital 300 Swiss
24/7 alarm center Included Swiss
Franchise - -


Insured Events: ERV provides insurance coverage following an accident or fall, theft or in the event of misuse or handling if the insured bicycle and/or permanently mounted accessories or the display are damaged or stolen as a result.
Insured benefits: When an insured event occurs, ERV covers the costs listed below:
• Cost of repairing the bicycle, including accessories, by the trader’s specialist workshop;
• Equivalent replacement in kind during the first and second year of insurance. ERV reserves the right to make a cash payment instead. The amount of compensation is in all cases limited to the original purchase price;
• Replacement value according to the market value scale from the third year of insurance. If the damaged bicycle can be repaired, ERV will reimburse the repair costs. For bicycles that cannot be repaired or whose repair costs exceed the initial purchase price, there will be replacement in kind or payment of the initial purchase price.
Exclusions: The insurance does not cover:
• repair costs attributable to a repair not carried out by the dealer's specialist workshop or to an inappropriate repair;
• luggage and accessories added later, which were not included in the initial purchase price;
• damages which concern only the battery (subject to ch. 4 A)

Complementary casco

Battery damage:
• Insured Events: ERV provides insurance coverage following an accident or fall, theft or in the event of misuse or handling if the insured battery is thus damaged or stolen.
• Insured benefits: The same insured benefits as those listed in section 3.2 apply to the battery.
• Exclusions: The insurance does not cover: repair costs attributable to a repair not carried out by the dealer's specialist workshop or to an inappropriate repair; luggage and accessories added subsequently, which were not included in the initial purchase price.

Warranty Extension: Insured Events: Upon expiry of the manufacturer's warranty, ERV grants its coverage as follows from the 25th month after purchase of the insured new bicycle:
• two additional years maximum in the event of termination of the framework,
• two additional years maximum for components and electronics,
• a maximum of two additional years for the battery, provided that the residual capacity and possible charging cycles do not correspond to the manufacturer's warranty promise, if the battery is used and recharged in accordance with the operating instructions.

Insured benefits: In the event of the occurrence of an insured event, ERV will cover the costs listed below:
• repair costs for the bicycle, including accessories, by the trader's specialist workshop;
• replacement value according to the market value table. If the damaged bicycle can be repaired, ERV will reimburse the repair costs. For bicycles that are not repairable or if the repair costs exceed the original purchase price, the replacement value is paid in accordance with the original purchase price according to the market value table.

Exclusions: No insurance benefits are paid:
• if the maintenance intervals specified in the operating instructions are not observed or if maintenance has been carried out incorrectly;
• in the event of an incident resulting from incorrect use of the bicycle;
• in the event of a manufacturing or assembly defect.


Insured events and services: ERV organises the following service provision via the alarm centre and covers the resulting costs if the bicycle breaks down or is stolen while travelling, or if the insured person has an accident with this bicycle:
• transport of the bicycle to the specialist workshop of the dealer or to the place of residence of the insured person;
• return costs to the place of residence or to the nearest hospital.

Exclusions: No insurance benefits are paid:
• for transport services on terrain that is difficult to access or not accessible to the public (e.g. narrow and isolated forest and mountain paths, roads not accessible to the public);
• for rescue and clearance operations;
• for the provision of a rescue and ambulance service.

Procedure in the event of a claim

Styled Table
What's happening? Who to notify? What exactly to do?
Accident or fall? Damaged or destroyed bike? Alarm center - when you need help, toll-free number
+800 8001 8003 (cannot be dialed from all countries) or
+41 848 801 8003, specialist workshop of the dealer, ERV
• Contact the alarm center if you need help
• Contact the dealer's specialist workshop and arrange an appointment for the repair/expertise
• Report the loss to ERV online
• Download the documents:
• Estimate in case of damages exceeding CHF 1000
• Repair invoice
• In the event of total damage, a certificate from the trader's specialist workshop
• Accident report in the event of third party involvement
• Supporting documents / receipts for transport
• Photos of the disaster
• Original invoice for the bicycle, including accessories
Bike stolen? Your police station, specialist workshop of the trader, ERV • Contact the police, file a complaint
• Contact the dealer's specialist workshop or report the damage to ERV online
• Download the documents:
• Police report
• Original invoice for the bicycle, including accessories
• Supporting documents / receipts for transport
Do you have a breakdown? Alarm center
+800 8001 8003
• Notify the alarm center and ask for the incident number
• Follow the instructions of the alarm center
• Take another way home
• Submit documents by email, indicating the claim number
• Receipts and supporting documents for the continuation of the trip or the return

Obligations in the event of a claim: Insured persons are required to comply with the following obligations in particular:
• Follow the procedure in the event of a disaster according to table, ch. 6;
• The insured person is required to cooperate as far as possible (duty of cooperation);
• In the event of a loss, all reasonably required measures must be taken to avoid, limit and elucidate the damage (obligation to reduce the damage);
• The insurer must receive:
• the requested information as soon as possible,
• the necessary documents and powers of attorney and
• payment details (IBAN).

Culpable breach of obligations in the event of a claim:
• In the event of a culpable breach of obligations during a claim, the insurer is authorized to reduce its compensation in proportion to the amount by which it would have been reduced if the obligations had been observed.
• No benefit from the insurer is payable if it results in harm to the insurer and if:
• the insured person knowingly declares inaccurate facts,
• the insured person conceals facts or
• the insured person fails to fulfil obligations (in particular police report, report of findings, confirmation and receipts).

Other essential provisions and obligations

Insurance premium: The premium is communicated as part of the procedure for joining the group insurance contract. The premium is paid to ERV by the policyholder.

Change of ownership: If the insured bicycle is sold, exchanged, donated and changes ownership, the insured person must inform ERV in writing within 30 days of the change. The rights and obligations arising from the existing contract are extinguished upon change of ownership.

Claims against third parties:
• If the insured person has been compensated by a liable third party or by his insurer, no compensation is due under this contract. If ERV has intervened in place of the liable party, the insured person must assign his civil liability claims to it up to the amount of the expenses incurred by ERV.
• In the case of multiple insurance (optional or compulsory insurance), ERV provides its services on a subsidiary basis, unless the insurance conditions of the other insurer also contain a subsidiarity clause. In this case, the legal rules of double insurance apply.
• In the event of coverage with several concessionary companies, the costs are only reimbursed once in total.

Limitation period: After the occurrence of a loss, claims are subject to a five-year limitation period.

Type of insurance: This is damage insurance.

Applicable law and contract basis: Only Swiss law applies to this contract. The contract basis is formed, for example, by the proposal, the customer information, the General Insurance Conditions, any other Special Conditions or Additional Conditions, and the policy. In addition, this contract is governed by the Federal Act on Insurance Contracts. If the insured person is domiciled in the Principality of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein law and the provisions of the Liechtenstein Insurance Contract Act apply.

7 Benefits unduly received: Benefits unduly received by the insured person and the policyholder must be reimbursed to ERV within 30 days, as well as the related costs.

Currency conversion: ERV pays its benefits in CHF. The conversion of foreign currencies takes place on the basis of the exchange rate on the day on which these costs were paid by the insured person.

Data protection:
• All personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. The controller of your personal data is ERV.
• In the data protection information at you will find further information on the purposes of the processing (e.g. insurance business management, marketing activities, pricing and creation of individual products, risk assessment and claims handling, recipients in Switzerland and abroad) as well as your rights.

Assignment of claims and limitation of liability:
• Once the claim has been paid by ERV, the policyholder and the insured person automatically and en bloc assign to ERV their claims against third parties arising from the insurance contract.
• ERV only offers insurance coverage and provides claims or other benefits to the extent that these do not constitute any violation or restriction of UN resolutions and any violation of trade or economic sanctions of Switzerland, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Translations: In case of doubt regarding the interpretation and content of any documentation, only the German version shall be authoritative (see ERV website).


Accessories: Accessories means permanently mounted accessories and charger purchased new with the bicycle.

Accident and fall: Accident and fall means any sudden and involuntary damaging effect, caused by an unusual and harmful external factor, on the insured bicycle and/or the insured person while riding the insured bicycle.

Dealer: This is the point of sale of the insured bicycle. In the event of liquidation of the business or insolvency of the dealer, an official specialist workshop is considered secondary.

Maintenance: The insured person is obliged to comply with the maintenance intervals in accordance with the operating instructions for the bicycle he/she is using. Maintenance must be carried out by the dealer's specialist workshop.

Maintenance: The insured person is obliged to comply with the maintenance intervals in accordance with the operating instructions for the bicycle he/she is using. Maintenance must be carried out by the dealer's specialist workshop.

Place of residence: The place of residence is the country and locality in which the insured person has his legal domicile or his usual place of stay or had his domicile before the start of the insured stay.

Improper use or handling: Improper use or handling means incorrect handling of the bicycle, including accessories, which deviates from the manufacturer's instructions or general life experience (e.g. incorrect attachment of removable screens, loading error).

Breakdown: Breakdown means any unexpected defect in the bicycle or key, including loss of the key, making riding impossible.

Initial Purchase Price: The initial purchase price is the value of the net purchase price shown on the sales contract/invoice.

Accessories: Accessories means permanently mounted accessories and charger purchased new with the bicycle.

Replacement in kind: In the case of replacement in kind, unlike compensation in cash, ERV does not compensate the damage suffered by paying a cash benefit but by replacing the damaged bicycle with a bicycle of the same value.

Improper securing: Bicycles and batteries that are not locked or secured with a proper locking device and are left on site are considered improperly secured. This also applies to easily removable screens that are not taken away when the bicycle is parked.

Switzerland: The scope of coverage “Switzerland” includes Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Market value: Styled Table
Insurance year Value as a % of the initial purchase price (bicycle and accessories)
1st 100%
2nd 100%
3rd 70%
4th 60%

• Vandalism: Intentional and deliberate damage or destruction by unknown third parties.
• Bicycle: A bicycle is understood to mean all bicycles, including electric bicycles with an electric motor with a power of up to 1.00 kW and pedal assistance for speeds of up to 45 km/h.

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