Setting off with peace of mind and riding your electric bike with confidence requires you to be well covered and therefore have suitable electric bike insurance.
How much does electric bike insurance cost?
Let's take a quick look at this issue. First of all, it should be demonstrated that, whatever your obligations, your decisions, it is always preferable to be insured.
Choosing the right electric bike insurance depends on various factors to analyze. These are elements that influence the price of the insurance but which can also meet very specific needs.
Why is it crucial to insure your electric bike? What risks are covered and how to choose the right insurance? How much does electric bike insurance cost?
Let's take a closer look.
Why should you insure your electric bike?

First of all, do I really have to insure my electric bike?
To answer this question, you need to know that:
In France :
- For an e-bike with a power of no more than 250 W and a speed of no more than 25 km/h, you are not required to have insurance. In this case, liability insurance is sufficient.
- For an e-bike with a power exceeding 250 W or a speed exceeding 25 km/h, it is subject to the obligation of civil liability insurance. These bikes are treated as mopeds, which implies additional obligations such as registering the bike and wearing a helmet.
In Switzerland
- For an e-bike with a power of up to 25 km/h and a maximum motor power of 500 W, liability insurance is not mandatory. Private liability insurance is preferred. However, the ownership and use of slow e-bikes can be covered by liability insurance, household insurance or specific insurance policies. In some cases, household insurance covers the risks of theft, vandalism and fire, as well as damage to the bike itself.
- Fast electric bikes are considered mopeds, pedal assistance up to 45 km/h and max. motor power 1000 W, it is mandatory to have a moped license, wear a helmet, have a rear-view mirror and permanent lighting, be registered and have specific civil liability insurance (yellow control plate with valid insurance sticker).
In summary, insuring an electric bike allows you to repair the damage that you could cause to others while riding your electric bike.
How much does electric bike insurance cost? Everything will also depend on the additional guarantees for theft and damage, legal protection, breakdowns and repairs, equipment insurance, which you could subscribe to.
All the advantages of suitable insurance coverage?
Having liability insurance and other specific guarantees when riding an electric bike can offer you advantages including:
- in the event of bodily harm caused to others,
- support for the repatriation of a damaged bicycle to a repair workshop,
- for good protection of the bike against theft or damage, vandalism
All the additional guarantees and warranties to your insurance contract for riding your electric bike with peace of mind also depend on:
- The type of your bike;
- From where you live;
- From the use you make of your bike;
- Whether or not you can park your bike safely on a daily basis and during your work.
In France, if your bike is well protected in a garage and if you can park in a secure car park during your working hours, it will not be necessary to take out theft insurance, a good anti-theft security padlock and a good GPS tracker should be enough. (However, check that your multi-risk home insurance, therefore your civil liability insurance, also covers common areas such as a cellar or a garage).
In Switzerland, it is advisable to check household insurance on this point.
On the other hand, if you have to leave your bike locked up in the street, it is advisable to take out insurance against theft and damage, as even the best certified anti-theft devices cannot withstand the methods used by criminals today.
In this regard, it is important to find out about the certified anti-theft devices that are listed by the insurance company, as well as to know the ways in which you must attach your bike, and also do not forget to find out about the coverage times, as not all insurance companies offer the same guarantees.
Always take into account that in the event of non-compliance with certain instructions, compensation in the event of theft could be refused by your insurance company.
What are the different types of insurance for an electric bike?

In order to choose the alternative that best suits your budget and your insurance situation, you should know that insurance companies generally suggest various levels of guarantee and coverage solutions.
Generally speaking, the types of insurance offered for an electric bike are:
- Theft and damage insurance: Protection against theft, attempted theft, breakage and/or damage.
- Damage insurance : Covers repairs in the event of an accident or incident, and in some cases, vandalism.
- Liability insurance : Protection against damage caused to third parties.
- Comprehensive insurance : complete coverage including theft, accident, and liability.
Theft and damage insurance:
Breakage and theft insurance is undoubtedly the guarantee that encourages most e-bike users to take out an electric bike insurance contract.
Be careful, insurers know this and that is why it is necessary to be interested in the exclusion clauses that they may require and specify in the proposed contracts. You have to know how to read the small print.
To effectively insure yourself against theft, you must therefore check the following criteria with the insurance company:
- compensation ceilings;
- the number of fixed points and anti-theft devices to be observed when parking in the city;
- the list of approved anti-theft devices recognized by the insurer.
Some insurance companies may require other evidence such as photos, to prove a theft, photo of the cut lock, or for a break-in, that of a door being broken in for example.
It is advisable to keep all proof of purchase that concerns the safety of your bike.
Damage insurance:
This warranty covers repairs or replacement of your electric bike in the event of accidental damage, such as falls or following an accident (collision).
VAE insurance for accidental damage or damage caused to others is valuable, you can even take out natural disaster cover to go even further and in the case of causes that could damage your electrically assisted electric bike.
Civil liability insurance:
Civil liability is often included in your home insurance contract, it can be said that it is the only mandatory guarantee when riding an electric bike. Furthermore, in France, the law requires you to take charge of any damage, bodily or material, that you may cause.
If you cause an accident, it's up to you to pay. This electric bike liability insurance covers health costs and repairs that were caused by an accident for which you are responsible.
Comprehensive insurance (multi-risk):
You can extend your home insurance to suit the coverage you want for your electric bike.
If you do not wish to specifically purchase damage insurance or individual driver coverage, this may be advantageous.
What factors influence the price of electric bike insurance?

The factors that influence the price of electric bike insurance are:
- Bike Type and Value : Initial Cost and Specific Models
- Place of residence : Influence of high-risk areas of theft
- Type of coverage : Options chosen (theft, damage, liability and additional options)
- Bicycle use : Daily use, commuting, leisure rides, etc.
- Deductible and obsolescence rate : How it can affect the insurance rate.
The type and value of the bike:
In short, the more expensive the bike, the higher the insurance premium will be.
Place of residence:
The place of residence, and in particular residence in the city, influences the price of the insurance, depending on the risks assimilated to this specific place by the insurance company.
The type of coverage according to the guarantees and additional guarantees:
Depending on the data, theft, damage, liability and additional options, the price of the insurance contract varies.
Additional options that may be of interest but may increase your insurance premium include:
Assistance and breakdown guarantee : Although many insurance contracts may include it, it is still recommended to check whether this assistance and breakdown guarantee is included in your contract.
Knowing that the use of an electric bike on average does not exceed 20 km, therefore take assistance for a maximum distance of 20 km. Also check if your battery is well insured, it is still the essential element of life of an electrically assisted bike.
- Additional guarantee for repairs : Here again, your insurance contract can cover repairs, or even the restoration of your cycle following a fall, accident or other damage, certain guarantees can cover vandalism, a driver guarantee can also be added if you wish, see also in this category what concerns the battery.
- The natural disaster guarantee if you wish to insure your bike for this possible risk.
Using the bike:
Depending on whether you use your bike daily or occasionally, the cost of your insurance contract will vary accordingly.
The deductible and the obsolescence rate:
These two terms are of capital importance for the subscription of an insurance contract. It is therefore necessary to understand that:
The obsolescence rate is synonymous with the wear and tear of the bike over time. As with a car, the more time passes, the more your bike loses its value and therefore, the less you will be compensated in the event of a claim.
Often set at 1% per month, the depreciation rate is therefore used to calculate the depreciation, i.e. the amount that will be subtracted from the price of the new bike. - The deductible is the minimum amount you will have to spend before insurance will pay out in the event of necessary repairs or theft.
These two clauses can drastically change the amount of your compensation. You should be vigilant and be wary of overly attractive offers that often hide obsolescence rates and excesses that are too high.
What are the insurance rates for electric bikes?

The cost of insurance therefore depends on several factors, as we have seen previously. Costs vary, depending on the levels of coverage chosen, the value of your bike, the place of residence, the use of the bike and on additional options that you may wish to subscribe to.
On average, the cost of insurance for an electric bike usually varies between €150 and €350 per year. Per day, we could estimate this cost between €5 and €15.
With the theft and breakage options included, the price of the insurance will be just under 300 euros.
For entry-level bikes between 1500 and 2000 euros, insurance will cost on average between 150 and 200 euros. For a high-end bike costing 3000 euros, expect on average 350 euros for insurance.
Some insurance companies offer competitive rates with customized coverage options, others may offer standard packages at higher prices.
Coverage can include theft protection, accidental damage, liability, and sometimes even breakdown assistance.
Therefore, e-bike users are advised to do thorough research and compare different insurance offers to find the plan that best suits their specific needs.
How to choose the best insurance for your electric bike?
The best insurance for your electric bike will be the one that meets your needs, your wishes, and the criteria that are important to consider in order to ride and ride with complete confidence.
You can get specific quotes from different insurance companies to compare the best offer that meets your needs.
Important criteria to consider:
Important criteria for an electric bike insurance contract should cover specific risks such as theft (especially in the city), damage due to accidents or vandalism, as well as civil liability in the event of damage to others.
It is also useful to consider additional services such as breakdown assistance or replacement of the e-bike in the event of repair, in the event of a breakdown, see and focus on the required conditions.
It is also important to insure yourself in accordance with the requirements of local regulations.
Comparison of insurance offers:
To help you get an idea and better compare the multiple offers proposed by many insurance companies, you can refer to an electric bike insurance comparison .
For Swiss electric bike insurance, the electric bike manufacturer Batoo offers insurance that can be personalized and that takes into consideration essential elements such as the bike's battery or the return of the bike to the approved repairer, with other very interesting and reassuring guarantees for VAE users.
Optimizing your insurance contract:
To optimize the quality/price ratio of your insurance contract, you can increase the amount of the deductibles, opt for an annual payment, you can of course play the competition, you can group your different insurance contracts, and last but not least, avoid accidents!
Advice in the event of an incident:
In the event of an incident, you must have the right reflexes, remember to immediately document the incident by taking photos and noting the detailed circumstances, taking the identity of a few witnesses. Inform your insurer as soon as possible, within 24 hours of the incident.
Provide a detailed report, police report if a third party is involved or in case of theft, testimonies, photos. Stay honest to remain credible.
In France: “Bonus Vélo” helps with the purchase of a bicycle:
In order to encourage clean mobility, in France, state aid called the Bicycle Bonus is available under certain conditions.
This national aid for purchasing a bicycle is extended until 2027 and now concerns new and used bicycles (with conditions) sold by a professional.
You can make your request online by following the link:
The following are eligible for the bike bonus:
- adult individuals , domiciled in France, with a reference tax income per share of less than or equal to €15,400.
- persons with disabilities who have proof of their situation,
- legal entities (company, association, community).
The amount of this aid depends on each person's situation; it amounts to 40% of the purchase cost, but within the limits and conditions detailed in the relevant document.
How is it possible to get a partial refund on your electric bike:
As we have just discussed, the Bonus Vélo aid is a solution so that you can get a refund of part of the price of your bike. There is also the conversion bonus in the case of a purchase of an electrically assisted bike.
In addition to this available assistance, you may be eligible for local, regional, departmental or municipal assistance, so you should find out more about this.
Conclusion :
Generally speaking, as you will have understood, it is crucial to insure your electric bike.
To find the most suitable and appropriate insurance contract for your needs and wishes, it is useful to take the time to compare the offers available through different insurance companies. This can also allow you to make adjustments with the insurance company with which you are already a member. You can establish a more personalized insurance contract.
Civil liability is fundamental, theft insurance is essential, also consider breakage insurance for repairs, breakdown assistance is rather reassuring and do not forget the specific insurance for accessories and additional equipment of an electric bike such as the battery for example.
Finally, in France, don't forget to apply for financial aid from the State and from the organizations mentioned, if you are eligible. It would be a shame not to take advantage of it!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When should you insure your electric bike?
The time limit for insuring your bike generally varies between 30 days and 60 days after purchase and all require engraving or identification of the bike. Those that offer long-term subscriptions add 1% per month of obsolescence to the excess. The anti-theft device must most often be approved and purchased before subscribing.
How to have your electric bike engraved or identified?
To have your bike engraved and identified, if the manufacturer does not do it, you must go to a BICYCODE marking operator, with your bike and your purchase invoice and warranty certificate. This BICYCODE® number will be engraved on your frame and will be covered with an anti-corrosion sticker. This intervention will cost you between €5 and €10. Your bike will then be registered in the National Single File of Identified Cycles (FNUCI).
Where is the serial number on an electric bike?
Usually the registration number of your electric bike is located either on the frame, or behind the front light or behind the fork, sometimes even very close to the crankset.
What documents do you need to insure your electric bike?
To insure your electric bike, you will need to provide proof of purchase of the bike, an identity document, proof of address, sometimes, depending on the wishes of the insurance company, photos of the bike. If your bike requires registration, you will also need to provide the registration certificate.
What are the coverage times in terms of VAE insurance?
Here is a point to check in your insurance contract, does the theft guarantee apply even at night on the public highway, from the moment the bike is perfectly secured? You should know that some insurers exclude time slots during which no theft can be compensated (from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., for example), so you should think about clarifying this point.